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Healthy lifestyle - stories or necessity? Healthy lifestyle - stories or necessity?

Healthy lifestyle - stories or necessity?

We all know the famous saying, "For a healthy life, avoid excess salt, sugar, and fats." But is this the secret to a healthy life? Can a healthy lifestyle be reduced to this recommendation? Well, we believe not!

That's why we aim to present the Fit Food Way community with this topic that is gaining more and more public attention in Romanian society. But why so many words? Let's get to work!


The etymology and definition of the concept of a healthy lifestyle

Nutrition suitable for a healthy lifestyle

The importance of exercise for a healthy lifestyle

Balancing private and professional life

The importance of social life for a healthy lifestyle

Benefits of a healthy lifestyle


1. What does "healthy lifestyle" mean?

The translation of the concept "healthy lifestyle" in Romanian would be "stil de viață sănătos." However, this equivalence of terms is not sufficient to understand this vast and complex field. Thus, a healthy lifestyle is not just about the absence of illness or physical weakness; it encompasses a complete sense of well-being in terms of one's physical, mental, and social dimensions.

Okay, but what do you need to do exactly for a healthy life, as described above? Read on because we at Fit Food Way aim to be an effective guide for you to achieve a healthy life!


2. Healthy eating for a healthy lifestyle

One of the four elements that make up a healthy lifestyle is nutrition. Of course, we are referring to healthy eating. But what exactly does it mean to eat healthily? A healthy diet should include all the nutrients and sources of energy that the human body needs.

So, our diet should contain proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. All of these need to be balanced so that your body can produce the energy you need throughout the day.

Also, you need to be mindful of quantities, ensuring that the number of calories you burn is equal to the number of calories you consume (this is an effective method to maintain your desired weight).

Because we care about your health, at Fit Food Way, we have designed personalized menus based on your motivations (weight loss, maintenance, or muscle gain). If you want to learn more, click here.

What are the benefits of a healthy diet? We could list a multitude of positive effects of a healthy lifestyle, but we want to focus on the following: building a strong immune system, which reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases, a constant energy boost for daily activities, and maintaining a suitable and desired body weight.

However, even though we all know the benefits and importance of a healthy lifestyle, why is it so difficult for us to adopt a healthy diet? Stress represents a disruptive factor for implementing the desired lifestyle. People exposed to continuous stress tend to overeat and engage in less physical activity, leading inevitably to weight gain.

Hand in hand with stress is the lack of time and the hurry specific to our century. Because we are constantly "pressed for time," we end up consuming more and more fast food or semi-prepared meals that we put in the microwave.

Consumed in excess, these foods can be harmful to our health. However, the allure of fast food is astounding, especially due to its lower prices compared to food prepared and served in restaurants.

Because we understand the rush and constant time pressure, but also the temptation of lower prices in the fast-food industry, Fit Food Way has come up with a solution: daily menus (we also have monthly packages!) delivered directly to your workplace or home at an advantageous price! If you need assistance in implementing a healthy lifestyle, Fit Food Way is here to help. Take advantage of our offer now!

Tips & Tricks for implementing a healthy lifestyle:

Plan your meals to avoid falling prey to time pressure. This habit is not only helpful but also helps you save money! Take one day a week to plan your meals and menu for the following week. Not only will you be less likely to resort to unhealthy alternatives like fast food, but you will also save money because you can shop more organized and judiciously (isn't it true that when you enter a store hungry, you tend to fill your cart, thinking you'll eat everything you fancy right away?) Try to find someone who is also struggling to adopt a healthier lifestyle. The support of a community facilitates the implementation of a healthy diet. At Fit Food Way, we cover both needs, which is why we propose menus specially designed by specialists that you can schedule according to your needs. Also, follow us on social media platforms and join our community!


3. The importance of exercise for a healthy lifestyle

Only after years, when we woke up with back pain and chronic fatigue, did we begin to discover the extraordinary effects of engaging in sports. Fortunately, now we have numerous opportunities to educate ourselves about sports and even more opportunities to practice them!

Sport is an essential component of a healthy lifestyle, maintaining both physical and mental health. Among the physiological benefits, we can mention strengthening the heart, improving lung and brain function (combating negative emotions, reducing anxiety and stress). Additionally, the psychological and social benefits are valuable as well: developing leadership skills, the ability to work in a team, and forming new interpersonal relationships.


4. Balancing private and professional life

In addition to a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise, we also emphasize the development of a balanced rhythm between professional and personal activities.

This falls under essential practices for a healthy lifestyle, as it leads to a fulfilling life in which the alternation between relaxation and productivity is in balance. The human brain is designed with both the need for relaxation and rest and the need for professional activity.

However, when professional activities put constant stress on us to the point where we can no longer relax and rest adequately, we may experience chronic fatigue. This type of fatigue is known as burnout.

Paul Olteanu defines the state of burnout in the Mind Architect podcast as chronic stress that arises from prolonged exposure to external stressors. The symptoms of burnout are (1) emotional exhaustion, (2) reduced efficiency and a sense of meaning in work, and (3) depersonalization/cynicism (loss of enthusiasm).

Tips & Tricks for implementing a healthy balance between work and rest:

Keep a journal to monitor your daily activities.

Set priorities and organize your activities accordingly.

Get a planner to schedule each day.

Be aware of your limits (even if you may look like Superman or Wonder Woman, remember that you don't have supernatural powers).

Invest in regular recreational activities (they don't have to be expensive), not just annual extravagant vacations.


5. The importance of social life for a healthy lifestyle

Another significant factor contributing to a healthy lifestyle is the fruitful social interactions we have. Unfortunately, in the current epidemiological context, many events that brought people together have been suspended. Furthermore, for many, even their workplaces have shifted to remote systems. As a result, the social activity of many has suffered.

However, humans have a fundamental need to interact physically with others because it has extremely positive effects on self-perception and the sense of individual worth.

Additionally, the presence of a community in an individual's life ensures better stress management.


6. Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle

As you have already noticed, the four essential components of a perfect lifestyle are (1) healthy nutrition, (2) exercise, (3) achieving a balance between work and personal life, and (4) a healthy social life. Consider the concept of a healthy lifestyle as a puzzle composed of four pieces.

If you want to have the complete picture and enjoy a beautiful image, you need to combine all four elements. Although it may not be easy at the beginning, strive to integrate all four domains we have discussed.

Our advice to you is to take the implementation of a healthy lifestyle seriously because its benefits are evident and scientifically proven. A study by Harvard has shown that the lifespan of those who lead a healthy lifestyle can be extended by up to 14 years.

Embrace a healthy lifestyle now! Fit Food Way is with you and ready to deliver super #healthy food to you!
