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5 tips for a healthy metabolism 5 tips for a healthy metabolism

5 tips for a healthy metabolism

You probably also know people who can eat as much as they can fit, yet do not gain a single kilo, and people who fast in vain, but still struggle a lot with the extra kilos that quickly add up. It cannot be denied that proper metabolism is extremely important for maintaining a healthy body weight and achieving our goals. But what makes it slow or fast and how can we support our metabolism?

Even reading these lines, an ultra-complex mechanism is working inside you, which operates the metabolic processes taking place in your body. Metabolism is a complex biochemical process, during which the food you eat is converted into energy, which your body uses for its functioning. This is metabolism in a nutshell.

Metabolism varies from person to person, so in addition to genetics, our physical appearance is greatly influenced. Body size; the age; physical activity; the diet; sleep and stress both affect how our metabolism works. But you don't have to worry at all, because you can take significant steps - regardless of age and current fitness level - for a healthy metabolism.

A "slow metabolism" is often blamed and cited as the cause of failed weight loss. We distinguish two types of metabolism, one: anabolism, or constructive metabolism, which is the building and storage function of the process, the other: catabolism, or decomposing metabolism, during which process complex substances are broken down into simple substances, so that energy is finally released . The calories your body burns each day are actually your body's energy needs. Even when you are resting, for basic functions, such as: ensuring the right hormone level, it is necessary to ensure the basic metabolism level, which requires energy.

Our body's caloric needs are more or less constant. An increase in body weight means that you consume more calories than your body burns. Would you like to boost your metabolism? Try some natural methods, here are 5 tips for a healthy metabolism:


Tip 1: 30-minute walk in the morning

Morning exercise and cardio are great ways to boost your metabolism and stay fit. Also, here's an added benefit! Morning sunlight maintains cortisol levels and helps increase dopamine. In this way, you will have a day full of energy and a positive start.


2. Eat nuts and meat for breakfast

The amino acids found in nuts (especially red meat) and monounsaturated fats increase dopamine and acetylcholine – neurotransmitters known for cognitive function.

This combination is very low in carbohydrates, which prevents morning blood sugar spikes that upset hormonal balance.


3. Take a cold shower

It may not sound alluring at first, but it is not for nothing that Scandinavia has proven medical treatments for many diseases. The popularity of cold showers has also increased in the West in recent years. Research has also confirmed that cold showers (and cold exposure in general) stimulate the formation of brown fat in addition to directly stimulating the metabolism. Brown fat is a special type of adipose tissue that produces energy by burning calories and supports weight loss processes. In addition to the many benefits of a cold shower, it also beneficially supports alertness and reaction time.


4. Meditate daily

Meditation and regular breathing are great ways to relax and even have a positive effect on your metabolism. Since all healthy cells of the body are fed by oxygen, efficient O2 transport and CO2 emission through proper breathing greatly contribute to a healthy metabolism.

Here is a simple breathing exercise:

Inhale deeply through the nose for 6 seconds.
Exhale completely through the nose for 6 seconds.
Repeat this for 5 minutes.

5. Drink lots of water:

Dehydration can really slow down your body. A minimum of 2 liters of water per day is recommended. However, it has been shown that adults who drink more than 8 glasses of water a day burn more calories than those who only drink 4 glasses or less. and vegetable-based ones.

For an effective process of optimal body weight control, all direct effects on the body must be taken into account. However, this journey should not be a burden, but a joy. Taking care of yourself, your body and your health is a huge step towards a healthy lifestyle. Keep it up! FitFoodWay takes care of your healthy diet! Our varied programs have been compiled in such a way as to ensure the body's calorie and nutrient needs for proper energy use and healthy metabolism. You can achieve long-term results with us! Find out everything about FitFoodWay menus and meals.
